LabPlot 2.8 Beta
In the last couple of days we’ve got a lot of feedback and bug reports from our users testing the current code and helping us to finalize the next release of LabPlot. Most of this feedback is addressed now and today we’d like to invite more people to contribute and we announce the availability of the beta release of 2.8.
A lot of work was done since the previous release of LabPlot. In the last months we reported regularly on new features and on the ongoing development in a series of blog posts:
- Educational data sets
- Reference line and image elements in the worksheet
- Jupyter and Cantor projects
- Imperial units
- Touchbar on Mac
- Rough values for smoothed data, new normalization methods and Tukey’s ladder of powers
In addition to this, many other improvements and bug fixes were done. Some of them are also mentioned in our ChangeLog file. The full release announcement will contain again a full summary of what was done for 2.8. Until then, please check the recently published blog posts and ChangeLog to get an overview of the the new features.
As usual, we provide the source code as well as packages for Windows and macOS: