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LabPlot in Action

LabPlot supports various data analysis and visualisation techniques and has a modern and user-friendly graphical interface. Below are some screenshots of the main application window showing LabPlot in action.

Supported 2D Visualisations

Different visualisations can be categorised using seven relationship types (nominal comparison, time series, ranking, part-to-whole, deviation, frequency distribution, correlation) and four encoding objects (points, lines, bars, boxes). Below is a selection of examples created in LabPlot that fall into the different categories.

Nominal Comparisson

This contrasts the numerical metrics across various subcategories.

Time Series

This tracks change in value of a metric over time.


This illustrates how multiple values compare to each other in relative magnitude.

Part to Whole

This displays a subset of data in relation to the larger whole, typically used to illustrate proportions or percentages.


This shows how much difference is between a numerical metric and a reference metric.

Frequency Distribution

This represents the number of occurrences of different values or categories within a dataset.


This demonstrates if variables exhibit potential positive or negative correlation to each other.