Please welcome LabPlot’s new homepage!
In the last days we moved our content from to When visiting the old page you’ll be automatically redirected to the new one. This is the last step in our transition from SourceForge to KDE’s infrastructure. The new homepage got a more modern…
LabPlot 2.3.0 released
Less then four months after the last release and after a lot of activity in our repository during this time, we’re happy to announce the next release of LabPlot with a lot of new features. So, be prepared for a long post. As already announced…
Windows version of LabPlot is coming (soon)
We are coming close to the next release of LabPlot with a lot of new features. The development for the next release is finished and we’re doing some final testing, improving the documentation, checking the issues reported by code analysis tools, etc. As always, we’ll…
LabPlot 2.2.0 released
We are happy to announce the next release of LabPlot. You can download the source code of the KDE4Libs-based version of LabPlot here. For the KF5-version of LabPlot use this link. The main new feature of this release is a new tool that allows you…
LabPlot 2.1.0 released
Today we release the next version of LabPlot – 2.1.0. The summary of all new features was given already in the announcement of the release candidate. Only couple of small fixes were made after the release candidate was announced. Starting with this release we’ll provide…
Release candidate for LabPlot 2.1.0
With the upcomming release we decided to change the numbering schema. Starting from now, every time we implement new features, we increase the second digit in the version string. The third digit will be reserved for patch (hot fix) releases without any new features. The…
LabPlot 2.0.2 released
We are glad to announce the release of the next version of LabPlot – 2.0.2, which can be downloaded here. Though we’ve only increased the minor number (we’re still in the process of completing the 2D-plotting part), there was a lot of development done for…
LabPlot 2.0.1 released
The first bug-fix release for LabPlot2 can be downloaded from our sourceforge site: Two issues are fixed in this release: * Fixed wrong scaling of legend’s text labels in pdf-export * Fixed memory corruption in CartesianPlotDock that can lead to crashes We’ll move now…
LabPlot 2.0.0 released
Today we release the first stable version of LabPlot2. There are still many things that can be improved and implemented. But we think it’s better to release now and to make LabPlot available to a larger number of users thus also increasing the amount of…
2.0.0.beta2 released
Since the last beta release two month ago couple of bugs were fixed and some polishment and cleanup in the code was done. It’s a good time to release the second beta. In a week or so, if no big problems occur, we’ll upload the…