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New LabPlot User Documentation

In recent weeks we have been working on transferring LabPlot’s documentation to a new format. We decided to move the documentation from the DocBook and MediaWiki format to the Sphinx/reStrcutredText framework. In our perception Sphinx offers a user-friendly and flexible way to create and manage…

Example Projects

In the face of a growing feature set in any project, getting started becomes harder and harder for new users. This problem is common for many software applications, and LabPlot is no exception. To overcome this problem we’re investing more resources into creating documentation in…

LabPlot 2.9 Beta

After a long silence from us, we are happy to announce the start of the beta phase for the upcoming LabPlot 2.9 release. Over the past weeks, we have spent a significant amount of time fixing the outstanding issues and polishing new features. Some of…

Multi-Axes Made Easy

Today we want to introduce the last of the new features we are implementing into the 2.9 release which we have recently finalized. To demo this new feature, let’s use an example contributed by one of our users. This example is based upon the measurement…